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Aston Pent Sheds (BS) - Bespoke 16ft X 4ft Premier Pressure Treated Tongue And Groove Pent Storage Shed - 3 Separate Units With Internal WallsOur Price: £2,974.13Save : £2,379.30 (44%)

This is the first time i have used sheds first , the service on the phone was first class and shed was delivered spot on time so i had a very satisfied customer. Thanks Shedswarehouse.
So straightforward to deal with easy ordering system together with friendly staff. Thank you
Good Customer Service. My 8 x 12 shed was delivered last week. Delivery driver was excellent and most helpful. Thank you Shedswarehouse.
We have purchased 2 office/sheds from this company and have found them absolutely wonderful, from the first phone call to the insulation. I would recommend them to anyone.
email: help@ilikestores.com t: 020 3771 5555
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